Monday, April 5, 2010

The Grego

So it's my brother's big day today and he has been officially rockin' out for 26 years now, and I have been along for 24 of them. Greg and I have taught each other a lot, thanks to him I know how to play nintendo, make really weird faces, perfect accents and repeat movie lines over and over until they are just right and so much more...
He is a blast to hang out with, he will even dance with you when a good song comes on.

I am so thankful for my brother, every single one of my friends is probably tired of hearing me brag about his progress in medical school and the fact that he will be a real doctor this summer, but the amazing thing is that is not even the most impressive thing about him. His love for his family, his passion for life's joys and his aspirations to become a family man are my favorite of Greg's gifts.
Love you Grego

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